Clinical Informatics


ACGME-I-accredited fellowship programs in clinical informatics are open to graduates of all ACGME-I-accredited residency programs. These programs provide educational opportunities for fellows to develop competency in applying informatics methods, concepts, and tools to the practice of medicine. Fellows have educational experiences in collaborating with health care and information technology professionals and providing consultative services that use knowledge of patient care combined with an understanding of informatics to improve clinical practice.

In addition, ACGME-I-accredited programs in clinical informatics provide educational opportunities for fellows to continue to develop their skills in the Competency areas of Practice-based Learning and Improvement, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, and Systems-based Practice.

The Review Committee-International and ACGME-I staff members provide documents and resources on this web page to assist ACGME-I-accredited programs and those applying for accreditation of fellowship programs in clinical informatics.

Program Requirements – Fellowships/Subspecialty Programs
Foundational Program Applications

After the sponsoring institution account has been activated in the Accreditation Data System (ADS), foundational program applications may be initiated by the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) on the “Sponsored Programs” page. If a specialty is not available for selection, please contact

Advanced Specialty Initial Accreditation Applications
Advanced Specialty Continued Accreditation Applications
Case Log Information

Case Log information document includes FAQs and listing of minimum requirements.

Milestones 2.0
Review Committees
Event Dates
Agenda Closing Date
Meeting Dates