As part of the ongoing series of in-person workshops dedicated to assisting Sponsoring Institutions and programs in preparing for the full implementation of Milestones 2.0, staff members from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Milestones team held their latest session in Oman.
ACGME Vice President, Milestones Development Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE conducted the workshop with the team from the Oman Medical Specialty Board (OMSB) in Muscat. These workshops are designed for Milestones 2.0 specialists to collaborate and share detailed knowledge with local teams on how to implement and use the new Milestones, including program-specific considerations.
“These dedicated leaders took the work seriously and learned through developing shared mental models and role play,” said Dr. Edgar of the OMSB workshop participants. “I am confident that the transition to Milestones 2.0 will be smooth.”
The in-person workshops, which will take place with every ACGME-I-accredited Sponsoring Institution, will continue throughout the coming months to better prepare Sponsoring Institutions and programs for Milestones 2.0, as their use will be required beginning January 2024. Learn more about the Milestones here. Future dates and locations of these workshops will be sent directly to the Sponsoring Institutions and included in ACGME-I’s monthly e-Communication newsletter.
OMSB has been an ACGME-I-accredited Sponsoring Institution since 2015, and currently sponsors 16 ACGME-I-accredited graduate medical education programs.